Shallow may be one of the most straight forward concepts to teach as a coach, as well as one of the easiest reads to make as a QB. While the progressions that each coaches chooses to teach may differ (deep to short, short to deep), we can count on this play producing open receivers that QB's can identify by targeting the conflict defender on any given play.
At the lower levels, we start the progression with the short routes, Dig/Shallow combination to ensure we have time to make the read and get the ball out but at the older levels, we look to the deep routes and come back down to the short routes. At all levels, coaches and players will communicate regarding the Safety cheating down so we can throw the Post behind whenever possible.
Below, you will see the different ways we have found success and how it differs from level to level. Shallow was utilized by the #MiddleSchool levels of our youth program (#12U, #14U), as well as our High School squad at a very high rate. Has been our most successful and consistent #DropBackGame route for our Middle School and High School teams.
Our Universal Shallow Rules
QB reads the Overhang defender to the Dig side, and makes him wrong. Our goal is to throw the #Dig when possible. If the defender goes to the flats or runs with the #Shallow, or simply stays facing forward with zone body positioning, throw the Dig behind. If defender goes with the Dig and is covered up, throw the Shallow.
Inside WRs
If Y runs the Shallow, H has the Dig
If H runs the Shallow, Y has the Dig
Outside WRs
The outside receiver with the Dig on his side runs the Post
The outside receiver with the Shallow on his side runs the MOR Go
RB should always swing away from the Shallow route to ensure he is not pulling a LB into that grass (unless you are scheming something specific)
Ace/Open (2x2), Late/Early (3x1), Blue/Green (2 Back), Star/Lazer (Empty)
Drop Back Game, 3 step drop from shotgun
Drop Back Game, 5 step drop from under center
Concept Variations

L: Skinny Post (spacing from Dig)
H: 8-10 yard MOR Dig
Y: Shallow (LOS depth route)
F: Swing/Shoot
QB Progressions/Conflict Defender
12./14U & Red Zone: Target Overhang Defender -> Swing
Shot routes tagged if identified in the game
QB eyes immediately go to #OverhangDefender to the #Dig side and put him in conflict. If Overhang stays forward facing in zone body position, it is very likely the H is sitting in grass behind him and the QB should rip it in there, as soon as he turns the corner and sits. If a QB can throw this with anticipation, it is almost unguardable.
High School: Post -> Overhang Defender -> Swing
QB eyes immediately read FS movements, spying if he is staying low near the box or backpedaling. If Safety stays low and is concerned with Dig, shot opportunity to Post is there. If the Safety backpedals, QB finds Overhang and makes him wrong.

L: Skinny Post (spacing from Dig)
H: Move Motion, 8-10 yard MOR Dig
Y: Shallow (LOS depth route)
F: Swing/ShootL: Skinny Post (spacing from Dig)

H: Shallow (LOS depth)
Y: 8-10 yard MOR Dig
R: Skinny Post (spacing from Dig)
F: Check/Release
QB Progressions/Conflict Defender
12U/14U/High School: Target Overhang Defender -> Swing
Shot routes tagged if identified in the game
QB eyes immediately go to #OverhangDefender to the #Dig side and put him in conflict. If Overhang stays forward facing in zone body position, it is very likely the H is sitting in grass behind him and the QB should rip it in there, as soon as he turns the corner and sits. If a QB can throw this with anticipation, it is almost unguardable.

H: 8-10 yard MOR Dig
Y: Shallow (LOS depth)
R: Skinny Post (spacing from Dig)
F: Swing/Shoot
QB Progressions/Conflict Defender
12U/14U/High School: DIG -> SHALLOW -> Swing
Shot routes tagged if identified in the game
QB eyes immediately go to #OverhangDefender and put him in conflict. If Overhang stays forward facing in zone body position, and the DIG gets behind him, it is very likely the H is sitting in grass and the QB should rip it in there, as soon as he turns the corner and sits. If a QB can throw this with anticipation, it is almost unguardable. If Overhang takes aways the Dig, check Shallow grass for color, then Swing if needed.
Offensive Coordinator, play caller, play calling, quarterback, tools, resources, qb, quarterback technology, high school football, college, university, professional, nfl, NCAA, fcs